The Purity and Safety of Ordinary Drinking Water

May 7, 2012 at 6:49 pm | Posted in Health Concerns, Healthful Hints, Helpful Hints, Living Well | Leave a comment
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Our drinking water doesn’t necessarily stay pure and fresh forever, so when in doubt, do not drink it. Throw it out to avoid getting sick.

Recently, a grown man returned to his recreational vehicle which had been parked in storage for over a year. While there, he decided to turn on the faucet and drink a glass of water.

What he did not know was, during the time his vehicle was in storage, water remaining in reservoir tanks had turned poisonous from rusted pipes, mold and algae. Shortly after he drank the water, he became violently ill and had to be rushed to the hospital emergency room.

Emergency room doctors had no idea what the man might have swallowed to cause this serious illness. He was so sick he was not able to speak or help them in any way to diagnose his illness.

After extensive tests, it was determined illness was caused by swallowing old, tainted water dispensed from the recreational vehicle!

The best thing to do is completely flush out all the old, stagnant water still remaining in all storage tanks, then replace with fresh water. It’s simple, and it’s the safest thing to do!

Even ceramic water dispensers that are cute and decorative in your kitchen need to be routinely washed and rinsed with a bleach solution to ensure no mold or algae exists anywhere including under the rim which can lead to illness or even death due to drinking unpure water.

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